Model United Nations of the Far West is proud to recognize the hard work and dedication of its student delegates and their advisors. The following recognitions are awarded each year at the annual session.
Opening Plenary Speakers
The five delegations, one within each regional group, with the highest scoring pre-conference materials are invited to address the conference at the Opening Plenary Session of the General Assembly.
Slanczka Achievement Certificate
Country delegations that submit high-scoring pre-conference materials are awarded the Slanczka Achievement Certificate in recognition of their work
Conference Rapporteurs
Rapporteurs are delegates selected by their respective committees to present the work of the committee at the Closing Plenary Session of the General Assembly. Rapporteurs shall receive a certificate in recognition of their work.
Mike McBride Outstanding Resolution Certificate
Members of the committee which produces the highest quality outcome document shall receive a certificate in recognition of the committee’s work.