Host the Annual Session
Is your school interested in hosting an upcoming session of Model United Nations of the Far West? Would you like to help run the conference, set agenda topics, or chair a committee? If so, you are encouraged to prepare a bid proposal and share your plans for a future conference.
In addition to being both exciting and personally fulfilling, serving in the Upper-Secretariat or chairing a conference committee is a distinguished addition to any resume or curriculum vitae. Hosting a session of MUNFW can also serve as a catalyst for gaining institutional support for your school’s Model United Nations program.
Schools may submit a bid to serve as the singular host of a given session or collaborate with other participating schools to present a consortium bid. Interested students or groups should communicate their intent to bid to the Executive Director prior to conference, and should consult with their faculty advisors regarding their bid prior to the Membership Meeting that takes place Saturday morning during conference. Bids must be presented to the Membership Committee and accompanied by a theme and provisional agenda (committees and topics) for an upcoming session.
Share your ideas. Take the lead. For more information on putting together a bid, refer to the documents listed on the Secretariat page or contact
Join the MUNFW, Inc. Board of Directors
Student Representatives serve for one year on the Model United Nations of the Far West, Inc. Board of Directors to represent the views and perspectives of conference participants. The MUNFW, Inc. Board of Directors sets the basic organizational and administrative policy for the ongoing operations of the organization and deals with long term planning.
Student Representatives play an active role in Board of Directors discussions as well as assist in recruiting new schools to attend the Annual Session of MUNFW. All Student Representatives serve on the Board’s Outreach and Alumni Affairs committee and are encouraged to serve on any other Board committees that interest them and allow them to utilize their individual skills and talents. Interested students should contact their faculty advisors prior to Saturday Membership Meeting during conference and be prepared to introduce themselves to the conference’s Membership Committee.
In addition to furthering their participation with MUNFW, Student Representatives gain valuable career skills and contacts, along with the prestige afforded by having a Board membership listed on their resume or Curriculum Vitae.
For more information about serving on the MUNFW, Inc. Board of Directors as a Student Representative, please contact