Report on 73rd MUNFW Opening Plenary
April 19th, 2024: 5:00PM
The MUNFW Opening Plenary has officially begun. A hush falls over delegates. The President of the General Assembly, Marcus Williams, calls for a moment of meditation and prayer. Apprehension hangs in the air as he announces the agenda for this years conference: genocide and mass atrocities, risks and opportunities posed by emerging technologies, and climate smart agriculture, issues that are more prevalent than ever on the world stage. The emergence of AI has had unprecedented repercussions, with its release to the general public, in the hands of those who choose to use it for harm rather than good. Genocide and mass atrocities, strangeling world agenda, as human rights are violated in region after region around the globe. Finally climate change, the defining world issue of this generation, changing the course of human production, manufacturing, transportation, and agriculture.
Secretary general Nathan Fowles opened with an inspiring speech providing hope, despite times of great uncertainty. He was followed by Wes Rist’s, an atrocity prevention policy advisor in the bureau of conflict and stabilization operations at the US department of state. Rist emphasized the importance of preparing the world for crisis rather than solving problems after they have spiraled out of control. Rist’s speech was followed by brief speeches given by delegates from Malaysia, Ukraine, Brazil and Sweden each emphasizing their nations positions regarding this conference’s issues. This conference, though short, will be packed with issues that are hard-hitting and difficult topics to address and create policy around. The 73rd Model United Nations of the Far West will be one to be remembered.
Michaela Appiah
World Press Reporter
Weber State University